Pleased to see that the draft budget maintains our commitment to eliminate the 500 metre rule. As of January 1st, 2021, Transit Plus will service all locations within the City, not just those within 500 metres of bus stop.
The 2021 City budget makes several provisions to deal with COVID-19.
Good support from federal and provincial governments for our operating / capital budgets.
Kudos to John Orlikow for leading the effort to get $40K per Ward, in the budget, for Councillors to spend this winter to assist with the mental/emotional well-being of residents during the pandemic. I’ve already contacted the Sage Creek Residents' Association and I will be speaking with other St. Vital groups soon.
City 2021 budget retains the planned rehab and upgrade to St. Vital bridge. Design work starts in 2021 with the total project budget at $46.8M.
Working with Sherri-Lynn Rollins to ensure the two 1965 pedestrian/bike underpasses North and South of the bridge are not forgotten.
The budget also retains funds for the new St. Vital Park Garage and Staff House - and the City Parks staff are underway with the start of the design process.